The Union Minister of Education of Myanmar, H.E Dr Myo Thein Gyi delivered the opening speech at the Erasmus+ KA 2 ILFM Project: Development of a Master level program: ‘International Law and Forced Migration Studies’ (ILFM) Virtual Kickoff Meeting on 15th October 2020. The Objectives of the Project are 1) To improve legal practitioners’ knowledge and expertise on international law and forced migration via the delivery of an LLM program and help them become competent in the implementation of the international and national refugee legislative framework in the Partner countries. Trust and understanding between legal practitioners will ensure the rights of individuals are upheld in a clear and consistent manner. 2) To Increase the capacity of the academic staff of Partner HEIS and improve their level of competences and skills through the exchange of specialised knowledge on the subject area and through the development of a LLL Programme customized to their needs and needs of the 21st century.3) To enrich the innovation capacities as well as the internationalisation and modernisation of Partner HEIs by promoting transnational cooperation in the field of international law and forced migration data analysis on domestic developmental concerns and by exchanging good practices in the subject area between EU, PC HEIs, legal practitioners, social actors, European and international refugee organisations, relevant policy makers. This Joint Project will be led and coordinated by the Department of Law, University of Mandalay which is funded by the European Commission under the KA2- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices-Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. The nine Partners in this Project are University of Mandalay (Myanmar), Taunggyi University (Myanmar), Marwadi University (India), Symbiosis International University (India), University of Malaya (Malaysia), Utara University (Malaysia), Universitat Fru Weiterbildung Krems (Austria), Universita’ Degli Studi Di Palerma (Italy) and Novel Group Sarl, Luxembourg (Vet Provider). In this ILFM Project, Pro-Rector Dr. Win Win Ei takes the responsibility as a coordinator and Dr Yin Yin Win, Professor & Head of Department of Law will perform as the LEAR of the Taunggyi University Project Team. The duration of the Project is 2020-2022. We are proud to be a Partner in this ILFM Project as we could launch the internationalization of our University.